Posted By on September 9, 2009

Yesterday was one of those YING YANG DAYS……I said GOODBYE to SILVER BELLE – the first time that I had SEEN HER in person since the accident August 28th!  So I removed my belongings (found lots of buttons and yo yo’s in my trunk) and said my good byes!  They told me that cars like her get shipped to third world countries to be repaired……so it looks like her life will be fillled with future adventures.  I LOVED THIS CAR…….thumbs up for the Ford Fusion!

Poor Poor Silver Belle

Poor Poor Silver Belle

Goodbye Silver Belle

Goodbye Silver Belle

OK – so I also am introducing Nellie into the family.  I actually borrowed this name from my Daddy (he named his cars – that is where I got it from – and all of his cars were named Nellie – and when he stopped at a stop light he always said WHOA NELLIE….guess that is the farm boy in him coming out!)

Nellie is a Ford Escape – I love her already too.  Nellie is the FOURTH car that I have had since I moved to Virginia FIVE years ago……..I hope she will be with me for a LOOOOOOONG TIME!


Grandangels love her already!

Grandangels love her already!


About the author


One Response to “YING AND YANG”

  1. sheddy says:

    Love Nellie. Have fun at your retreat. Take lots of pictures.

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