These are a few of my Favorite Things

| January 14, 2008

My list of Favorite Things is quite LONG.  I decided that I would think about those things and add a few each day.  These are NOT in the order of my LIKING!  LOL First I LOVE  I learn or RE-Learn a new word each day.  I get the word of the day e-mailed directly […]

My First Machine Embroidery

| January 14, 2008

I took a class Saturday from Trude at The Quilter’s Corner (my FAVORITE QUILT STORE in Midlothian, VA) and I made a label for my quilt that will be given to my parents when I get to Kansas City, MO this Thursday!  It only has my initials and the date –  not an elaborate label […]

These are a few of my NOT So Favorite Things

| January 14, 2008

I am almost always happy and manage to keep a joyful heart most of the time.  I BELIEVE  (without a shadow of a doubt) that what and how we think about things determines our state of emotion.  Nonetheless, I do have a few NOT SO FAVORITE THINGS on my list. Not at the top of […]