I hope your day is SUFFUSED with JOY!

Posted By on September 15, 2008

I just love the Word of the Day for Monday, September 15, 2008 from DICTIONARY.COM

so I just had to share it!

suffuse \suh-FYOOZ\, transitive verb:

To spread through or over in the manner of fluid or light; to flush.

She gave me a long slow look, as if she were deciding something, and then she allowed herself to blush, the color suffusing her throat in a delicious mottle of pink and white.
— T. Coraghessan Boyle, T. C. Boyle Stories

Have you ever felt happiness suffuse all the cells in your body and a smile light up your face?
— Sarabjit Singh, “Queen of the Hills”, India Currents, November 30, 1996

Like an angel or an earthquake, it isn’t there and then it is; it doesn’t steal over us andsuffuse us with a festive spirit like the gradual effects of alcohol or good deeds.
— Barbara Peters Smith, “Gladness descends on her home”, Sarasota Herald Tribune, December 27, 2003

Suffuse comes from the past participle of Latin suffundere, “to overspread; to suffuse,” from sub-, “under” + fundere, “to pour.”


My evening was suffused with joy last night when I coached grandangels COOPER (5) and SARAH (8) through the construction of a WEBKINZ Sleeping Bag.  They were just suffused with happiness after successfully using Molly – my new Hello Kitty Sewing Machine!


Cooper has to stand up to sew

Cooper has to stand up to sew

Cooper did this all by himself with only verbal instructions (I cut the fabric) and it was TOO FUNNY because he was so short that he had to stand up to reach the foot pedal!  He was so excited – well, suffused with joy!  I was pretty amazed that a 5 year old could do it (without a second pair of helping hands to keep things in line!)
Sarah made her sleeping bag PINK!

Sarah made her sleeping bag PINK!

Sarah was so suffused with excitement that she thought maybe her GIRL SCOUT TROUP could make a quilt for the troops serving abroad and they could earn some kind of a coveted patch.   She demonstrated how she could sew two squares together with a straight seam.  Maybe I can find some red, white, and blue scraps in my stash…….HMMM……I guess I had better go count the sewing machines in my collection!  :):)

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