CREPUSCULAR – my new favorite word

| April 19, 2009

Now, I USUALLY don’t comment on  I get a daily e-mail which includes the word for the day – and I enjoy that a lot.  But rarely do I get inspired enough to pass this on…….however…….. Today’s word just made me giggle – who knows why! But CREPUSCULAR is now my new favorite word….I thought […]

30’S Club Moda Piece N Plenty Quilt

| April 19, 2009

I have been making blocks for  my 30’s Club Piece N Plenty Quilt this weekend – in between ball games, a slumber party and a weeding party.  Right now it is hard to tell if I am going to like it…….it is pretty colorful! Here is what I have so far.

NO SLUMBER at the Slumber Party 4 18 09

| April 19, 2009

  When thirteen year-old girls laugh – it is  loud.  They find reasons to scream (SHRILLY) and giggle a lot  ….  and they live large – especially at a slumber party.    Did you ever wonder why they call these gatherings a slumber party?  When you get a gaggle of girls together there is going to be ANYTHING BUT SLUMBER.  Sleepover […]

Cooper’s FIRST Ball Game – April 18, 2009

| April 18, 2009

The BIG first ball game took place today – and the two teams of five year olds (Swift Creek vs. Midlothian) BOTH WON.  Now isn’t that just the best deal ever!  Everyone wins.  Wouldn’t that be a nice system if it happened in the REAL WORLD?  Hey, I guess it DID happen in the real […]

Quilty SHOW AND TELL in Midlothian 4 18 09

| April 18, 2009

Today was an absolutely beautiful, gorgeous, sunshiny, perfect day.  A great chance to  stay inside with Midlothian friends and quilt – –  and think about the yard work that I will do TOMORROW!!!!!  🙂  The company was great and the show and tells were just wonderful.  The pictures are a bit compromised because of the bright […]