A Merry Heart Doeth Good

Posted By on September 13, 2009

My life theme has been DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY (does anyone remember that song from the distant past?) 

Well, it is my belief that a MERRY HEART DOETH GOOD LIKE MEDICINE and whenever possible I have tried to CHOOSE to smile, laugh, and be thankful for the good things around me.

One of the BEST PARTS of the retreat in Williamsburg with the Colonial Piecemaker’s Quilt Guild these past four days was the sound of laughter flowing out from both the upstairs and downstairs sewing rooms!  I stood outside in the hallway on several occasions and enjoyed the sound of “QUILTER’S SMILES” and wished that there was some way to capture that.

HM….I guess I do have a FEW pictures of happy faces – and you can supply the sound effects.  How sweet the sound of HAPPY FACES!  Enjoy our merry hearts – and if you see a picture without a smiling face – remember to DOUBLE CLICK – there may be a smiling face that is hidden!  🙂

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