Savage Mill Mall – Savage, Maryland

| May 16, 2010

Catherine, Margaret and I went on a ROAD TRIP to the Savage Mill Mall in Savage, Maryland yesterday.  Margaret was quite skilled at getting us there in GOOD TIME!   Thanks Margaret G!  It was my first visit to Savage, Maryland and I found the Mill Mall to be fascinating.  What an interesting historical setting this mall was in!  I took lots […]

Remember The Cigar Boxes of Yesteryear?

| May 16, 2010

Do you remember in the OLDEN DAYS when we got a new cigar box at the beginning of each year?  For those of you too young to relate, we used these cigar boxes for our pencils, erasers, Crayolas, scissors and glue!    I am NOT SURE WHY we used cigar boxes but I am assuming it […]