Play Days in Williamsburg – June 24 – 25, 2011

| June 27, 2011

Some of us from the Colonial Piecemaker’s Quilt Guild in Williamsburg met at Sherry’s house for a couple of GLORIOUS SEWING PLAY DAYS.  Sherry graciously opened her sewing room and shared her “toys”  – we had fabric paint, stamps,  paint sticks, stencils, shaving cream and inks, water color pens, fabric galore – you name it, […]

Colonial Piecemaker’s Quilt Guild – Williamsburg, VA May, 2011

| May 7, 2011

Today was a beautiful day……sunny, cool…….perfect.  It was a great day to go to Williamsburg and be inspired by all of the beautiful quilts in show and tell! Joyce and Sherry gave us a preview of all of the upcoming programs and we got a GREAT LAUGH out of her faux pas…….”If it is August, […]

Knitting Socks, Crocheting and Quilting News – before GOING DARK

| February 23, 2011

Someone asked me today how I was doing on my sock knitting project – well, the answer is JUST GREAT!  Well, sort of just great!  I have 5 1/2 inches of ONE SOCK completed and  I decided to share a picture of it before I rip it out and start over (AGAIN!)  You may not […]

Colonial Piecemaker’s Quilt Guild Meeting January 8, 2011

| January 8, 2011

It SNOWED last night so it was a true miracle that I made it to the Colonial Piecemaker’s Quilt Guild Meeting today.  I REALLY needed to overcome my fear of driving in the snow…..(I LOVE TO LOOK AT IT BUT AM NOT SO THRILLED ABOUT DRIVING IN IT!!!)  I am glad that I was brave […]

Colonial Piecemakers December 2010

| December 4, 2010

OH MY was this Colonial Piecemaker’s Meeting *Williamsburg, VA* ever an event to be remembered.  The Colonial Piecemakers had lots of inspiring show and tells AND our annual fabric exchange game followed by a FEAST….and I mean FEAST in all CAPS! Thanks to CATHERINE ( in all caps) after being in the guild for two […]