AQS in Lancaster, PA 2011

| March 20, 2011

We really enjoyed the AQS Quilt Show in Lancaster, PA this year.  The vendors were simply ENTERTAINING and the quilts were WONDERFUL.  Unfortunately they would not allow us to photograph the quilts to put on blogs (and they were monitoring us pretty closely) …..bummer…..but I took a few random photos of NONQUILT fun. My car, […]

Fran’s Carolina Christmas Quilt

| September 7, 2010

I just had to share a picture of my friend Fran’s Carolina Christmas Quilt – it is Bonnie K. Hunter’s Mystery Quilt, but Fran did not use Christmas colors.  It is just stunning!  She, Catherine, Margaret and I met at Panera’s for breakfast recently – and did we ever have fun hosting our own show […]

Shenandoah Valley Quilt Show – Saturday, June 12, 2010

| June 13, 2010

Saturday was a good day.  Catherine, Margaret and I made the journey……good company!  And as always Catherine wore another of her creative jewelry pieces…and this one is truly a masterpiece.  Note in the picture that Catherine molded  the centerpiece of the necklace – pure silver.  She also put a design on the back of the medallion […]


| March 26, 2010

You will not believe this,  but Catherine and Margaret crossed the street in Intercourse, PA…..actually they  jay-walked right in the middle of town!!!!  I, on the other hand, was cautiously standing on the side of the road waiting for the cars and horses and buggies to pass so that it would be safe to cross.  And you […]


| March 26, 2010

I just cannot believe the quilt shops that we visited in Lancaster, PA!  It was a grand experience and the prices – OH MY! We went to The Old Country Store, Zooks, Sauders, and Weavers.  Weavers was a real experience!  The warehouse was in a barn and it was absolutely incredible.  The prices were UNBELIEVABLE……REALLY!   I […]