Another Wonderful Day in Quiltdom

Posted By on April 12, 2008

In the world of quiltdom you meet such nice people………and the internet has made it possible to connect with,  chat with and sometimes even connect with people who share the same interests and hobbies – or even who share your PASSION FOR QUILTING!

(In my humble opinion, passion is a much better choice of words than obsession….lol)

 I met a new “internet quilting friend” through an online block swapper’s chat – and come to find out we both shop at the QUILTER’S CORNER and we are almost neighbors!  It truly is a small world isn’t it!  So Patsy invited me to spend the day today quilting with the Virginia Scrappers.  It was a quilt retreat for a day!  Quilting with others who inform, inspire and entertain –  that is another thing on my LIST OF FAVORITE THINGS!

I must say that my mother was a bit concerned when I e-mailed her to say that I was going off to spend the day with folks who I had  met through someone on the internet (and generally I would say it IS NOT A GOOD IDEA to meet strangers that one has met on the internet)  but I felt assured that  meeting at a CHURCH with FELLOW QUILTERS  had to be a GOOD THING.

It was a PERFECT DAY!  The spring blooms were everywhere – the church was beautiful – and there was rain in the forecast (another of my favorite things!)

Mt Pisgah Methodist Church Beautiful Blooms A special garden for those serving in the military

The church even has a lovely garden to honor those who are serving in the military.


And thanks to my friend Sheddy, I actually didn’t get lost finding the church!  She rescued me en route!

Mt Pisgah Directions

Thanks Sheddy for rescuing me and for the inspiration today…..(and for sharing your extension cord!)

Sheddy knows just about EVERYTHING there is to know about quilts, and shows, and retreats!   AND….I just love her wonderful miniature Singer sewing machine – which, by the way, SHE DID NOT BUY NEW.   She shares my birth month and birth year, and I can tell you WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that she is much too young to be the original owner of her machine.  🙂

Sheddy and her Singer

This is Sheddy working on the cutest little basket blocks on her antique Singer (I think I want one……and a sewing machine that runs by cranking would be fun to have as well – I learned about that today too!)

We all had a lot of fun sewing…..eating……laughing….

Everyone is having fun sewing!

and watching the WONDERFUL RAIN……what is more soothing and exciting than an April shower……

The April Shower

and the SHOW AND TELL was a big treat!  Here are a couple of pictures…..

Carmen is making a BRAID QUILT….and I LOVE HER FABRIC

Carmen and the BRAID

(the same as what I am using for my Birth of a Sampler Quilt….:):)

and Patsy – my new internet friend – was finishing the binding on her beautiful mystery quilt!

It is quilted with the cutest little poodles…..

or if you aren’t fond of poodles, you can squint and pretend that they are cute little flowers!)

Patsy and her Mystery Quilt

Life is good…….





About the author


One Response to “Another Wonderful Day in Quiltdom”

  1. Sheddy says:

    I had a ball today! I’m so glad you could come. I’ve missed you!

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