Posted By on September 9, 2008

Tonight was the first monthly SKATE NIGHT of the school year and I got to go roller skating with three of my grandangels (Leanna – in 7th grade; Sarah – in 3rd grade; and Cooper – in kindergarten.)  Their parents were busy being entertained at school – BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT!

Grandangels Putting on their Roller Skates

Grandangels Putting on their Roller Skates

Everyone’s shoe size had increased but after a trial and error period everyone was happy!
Grandma SAO with Cooper and Leanna

Grandma SAO with Cooper and Leanna

Sarah took our picture….and you can’t tell it but I am saying SILENT PRAYERS.  In four years I have not fallen and since I was WITHOUT A DOUBT the only Grandma on wheels at the rink, there were a lot of eyes on me.  I think there might have been some folks waiting for the BIG FALL…..but I remained upright and that is some kind of a miracle since Cooper is an INEXPERIENCED DAREDEVIL SKATER who fell repeatedly while HOLDING MY HAND!!!!
Cooper Doing Skate Tricks

Cooper Doing Skate Tricks

I just HAD to let go of his hand long enough to snap this picture….no Cooper is NOT falling, he is dancing on skates and he is ROLLING ON ONE FOOT!  Laughter is good for the soul and my soul is pretty happy tonight.
Sarah Eating Rainbow Sherbert

Sarah Eating Rainbow Sherbert

And what could be more fun than eating ice cream.  It was a perfect evening.
And in case anyone is wondering, we all four did the HOKEY POKEY on wheels!  Oh yes, and we got spray sour candy to eat on the way home….what will they think of next!!!
Leanna on Wheels

Leanna on Wheels

Skating with my grandangels is one of my FAVORITE THINGS!

About the author


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