A Turtle Adopts Grandpa Max and Pepper

Posted By on September 20, 2008

It is hard to believe,  but I assure you that it is true.  A turtle has adopted my DH (AKA Grandpa Max) and MDD (AKA Pepper, our dog.)  How did this happen?

The turtle was wandering around our backyard and after several days Grandpa Max was worried that the turtle was TRAPPED in our fenced-in backyard, so he lifted her over the fence into the woods so that she could return to the lake.

The next day she was back in our backyard.  So Grandpa Max said that the turtle obviously LOVED him and wanted to stay – so my DH set out water and food for the turtle.  He just happened to have an ample   supply of dry DELI-CAT!!!

Max has named the turtle Tara and believe it or not, Tara seems to like cat food.  The first day that DH put a bowl of cat food out in the yard, the turtle ate nonstop for 20 minutes!!!   Pepper seems to enjoy the turtle as well. 

Well, who knows if this turtle is a HER – but Max named her Tara – so for now, she is female.  How do you tell anyway?

Pepper is Sniffing Tara

Pepper is Sniffing Tara

Tara the Turtle

Tara the Turtle

Tara is free to come and go as she pleased – we think she must have burrowed under the gate of the fence.  For now, she seems pretty happy with her adopted dog brother, Pepper, and Grandpa Max.    🙂

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