Comfort Quilts for Japan

Posted By on March 19, 2011

Happy National Quilting DAY….and stay tuned for news from my trip to the Lancaster AQS QUILT SHOW.

But….in the meantime, I wanted to get this posted QUICKLY because I know that many of us have heavy hearts about the Japanese tragedy.  They sure could use some comfort quilts.

I got this information from Bonnie Hunter’s blog at and I thought that some of us might be able to help the people in Japan by sharing COMFORT QUILTS. (For more information go directly to Bonnie Hunter’s website – and SPREAD THE NEWS!)



Send new quilts of any size from baby to adult to:


Dana Jones
Quilters Newsletter
741 Corporate Circle, Suite A
Golden, CO 80401


• Mark your box: “Quilts for Japan.”
• Send quilts as soon as possible and no later than April 30, 2011.
• Enclose your name, address, phone number, and email address with the quilts.

We did it for Katrina…we did it for the flooding in the midwest. We did it to help the Australians recently. I know we have it in us to help those in Japan as well!

***UPDATE*** This just in:

Dana Jones { 03.19.11 at 1:03 pm }

I emailed with Naomi Ichikawa today. She has asked that if you are sending quilts directly to Japan, that you do not send them until May 1 at the earliest. Please watch this blog for regular updates on this time frame as things are changing daily in Japan.

If you are sending quilts to Quilters Newsletter [in Colorado] and do not want to write “Quilts for Japan” on the box, please enclose a note that says this. We receive many quilts in our offices and will only send quilts to Japan that we know are intended for Japan.

Please send only new quilts.

About the author


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